Libra TMR
Libra TMR iPad based Scale System

Agrimatics Libra TMR Sends Weights Straight to Your Phone or Tablet. The indicator is no longer needed in this scenario.
Using the same technology as the Libra Cart platform, the feed and ration management system is iPad-based and connected to load cells on the mixer using Bluetooth electronics.
Libra TMR allows all the ingredients to be entered into the app, the rations with all the ingredients as part of them, and it allows the operator to assign what ration gets fed to which pen, how many head are in each pen. It makes it easy to execute a ration — to feed it properly.
The operator can designate to feed X feed group and the App will inform the operator that they need so much of this ingredient and so much of that ingredient. It also allows the operator to scale by dry matter, which is really important for this application
Using Agrimatics’ cloud service (Coming Soon), a nutritionist can also log in and remotely manage rations for their customers.
Use a smartphone or tablet as your full-featured scale indicator
Unlimited Remote Displays
View and tare live weights from multiple mobile devices within approximately 400 feet of the mixer.
Mixer Timer
Set a custom timer between each ingredient or after all ingredients have been loaded
Automatically adjust the batch size based on any loaded ingredient
Weigh Back
Precisely track and use refusal
Feeding Times
Create feeding schedules for feed groups
Bunk Readings
Enter bunk readings to easily adjust rations and feed amounts
Dry Matter
Input and adjust dry matter % for ingredients, or record as fed