- Maximizes seed handling efficiency.
- Simple and easy to operate.
- Rugged durability.
- Scale Accuracy to 99.75%
- Can be installed on virtually any brand of seed tender.
- Allows the operator to put the same amount of seed in each seed tank, reducing clean out time and making plant out a breeze.
- Provides the operator precise information on the amount of seed remaining in the machine.
- Accurate gauge of seed quantity when working with bulk seed.
- Optional ticket printer or memory down loader increases efficiency and eases billing operations for custom seeding operations.
- Operator can quickly calculate acres of seed remaining in the machine and verify acreage planted with seed used.
- Easy installation with bolt-on Weigh Bar brackets; no cutting or welding required.
- Digi-Star Scale Highlights: Field-proven accuracy, reliability.
- Easy-to-read back-lit display.
- Choice of 1″ or 2″ high digits.
- Designed for outdoor use.
- Push-button zero.
- RS-232 serial port.
- Iso/Bus Scale Link Capability
- Optional printer/memory down loader.
- High quality components.
The following Digi-Star, LLC patents for planting and seeding:
6,732,667 7,059,258 7,273,017 7,357,087 7,448,335 7,523,710 12/427,915
- Platform has pallet fork sub frame making it easy to be handled by a forklift.
- Field-proven accuracy, reliability.
- Easy-to-read back-lit display.
- Choice of 1″ or 2″ high digits.
- Designed for outdoor use.
- Push-button zero.
- RS-232 serial port.
- Optional printer/memory down loader.
- High quality components.
- Platform has pallet fork sub frame making it easy to be handled by a forklift.
- Has seed chute hole integrated into deck for ease of seed delivery.
- Makes even distribution of seed in planter boxes a breeze.
- Available with model 640 or 640XL indicator.
The 640 Indicator is ideal for seed tender applications.
It’s 100 alphanumeric memory channels make it easy and simple to keep track of seed used on each field, or to divide seed between landlord and tenant.
The stored information can be recorded through the use of a Transfer Data System or printer.
For easy viewing the model 640XL with its 2″ display is also available. (Seed Tender Applications).

GT 400
- Can be used on grain carts and planters
- Measure crop yields
- Utilize a convenient Start Stop button
- Know the exact weight of grain going into and coming out of on-farm storage
- Have a FIELD button that allows for alphanumeric data label
- Be able to keep your road loads legal weight
- Have symbols on keys for easy training
- Be able to order with serial port to be configured to send data to DDL or printer
- Save time by weighing in the field vs. hauling to a platform scale

EZ 2500V
Brighter, high-contrast display. Ideal for mixers, planters and grain cart applications!
- Improved visibility with new larger 1.7” brighter, high-contrast display
- Provides basic features for most applications – TMR mixers and grain carts
- “Select” and “Function” keys allow utilization of Memory Plus (M+) and Recall Memory (RM) features showing total number of loads, total weight, accumulated and average weight.
- Hold Key to “freeze” the displayed weight when moving the equipment
- Optional – Remote and Serial ports
- EZ2500V offers a slimline profile
- Display dimmer; reduces brightness of LED back light for use at night
- Impact resistant window protects LCD

- Can be used on planting and grain cart applications.
- Decrease cab-clutter by utilizing the tractor’s ISOBUS terminal.
- Increased remote viewing options – Digi-Star provides a display on the ISOBUS interface box on the grain cart. which can be mounted on side of cart for use by combine operator or front of cart for efficient loading of trucks
- Easy to learn
- Capture each load – every time with AutoLog2
- Compatible with leading virtual terminals in agriculture
- Reduce the likelihood of overloaded trucks and spilled grain with Digi-Star’s Autolog 2 Output Control Monitoring System Automatic Start/Stop Function (patent pending)